Re-reading my previous blog post somewhat inspired me to re-evaluate some of my recent food choices. A friend of mine recently blogged about how the 6 weeks of *holidays* seem to leave most Americans with a little extra *baggage*; probably via cookies, cakes, and other rich foods. She pointed out that Halloween is only *One day*, as is Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, but in my opinion, it seems like we use this time of year as an excellent excuse to wage war on our best intentions of eating clean and being healthy.
Her blog made me realize, that in light of my recent *meh-ness* on making good food choices, that I really need to sit down and think through how I want my holidays to go. I love to bake, and I'm good at it, so how much of these baked goods am I going to partake in? I also love to cook, and I'm good at that too, so am I going to wolf it all down with reckless abandon, and undo all the great things I've worked so hard for over the past year and a half?
Hell to the NO! So, in my always-anal typical fashion, I plan on sitting down this weekend, amidst the quadruple layer chocolate cake, and the caramel, chocolate and coconut torte baking, and come up with a plan for tackling the holidays, and the great food and treats, with restraint and compromise.
The good news is that I have begun ramping up my workouts, incorporating more variety, instead of just repetitive cardio every day with a few days of weights sprinkled in there for good measure. The problem is that sometimes I cannot burn enough calories to combat the face-stuffage that goes on daily. So, I realize that I need to do some strategic planning to avoid a gain throughout the holiday season.
Thanks Jo's for the inspiration and reminder!
Awww shucks V!
ReplyDeleteIt is SO true! We've worked so hard to get to goal, and it is such a slippery slope. Last year the holidays messed me up. I remember the pants starting to feel snug and decided this year that would not be the case. It was also the time that I realized I really *DO* eat stuff in the house to "finish" it so that it won't tempt me the next day. This doesn't help when we just go out and replace it...or bake more an replace it. And then I had to ask myself, did I even ENJOY what I just devoured? What about the 2nd and 3rd slice later?
Planning and remembering to make it special since it SHOULD be a special occasion is my goal this year!
Awesome post! Thanks for sharing!